Our purpose as educators is to provide all that is necessary to nurture the development of the 21 st Century child. Woodlands follows the Early Childhood Development Curriculum (ELDA) guidelines and the National Curriculum Forum (NCF) – designed to equip your child with the critical skills that will enable them to flourish at school and in the world beyond.
The core developmental areas include social and emotional development, cognitive and perceptual development, and physical development. These areas are viewed as critical and the building blocks for all future learning.
The auxiliary learning areas include content that has been the centre of traditional curricula, which covers language and literacy, numeracy, knowledge and skills, as well as the creative arts.
The school is designed to encourage learn through play. A happy child learns better.
Babies (6 weeks +)
In our nursery babies have a flexible routine. Babies of this age can handle around 60 – 90 minutes of awake time between naps. During this time there is a lot of interaction with your baby as this provides the most fun and developmental input. We also have a variety of toys and tools to keep them entertained and stimulate their sight, hearing, tactile interest and motor development.
Bigger Babies (Crawling to 1 Year)
Once they start to crawl and become more mobile, we move them over to the bigger babies class. Here they can explore more freely which is vital for the development of gross motor skills.
Toddlers (2 to 5 Years)
When they move to the toddlers class up until our final class, grade 00, we follow the NCF, ELDA’s and 21st century child guidelines to ensure your child is getting everything he/she needs to achieve their full potential, all this while having fun and learning through play.
At Woodlands we aim to provide the building blocks for health, human capacity, personal and social well-being during your child’s critical early years.
Woodlands Creche and Pre-School (Pty) Ltd. I 7 Woodlands Avenue, Hurlingham Manor, Sandton, Johannesburg.
011 789 5307 I